Sunday, October 7, 2012

I. Am. Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving Folks,

I'll start by getting it out there. I am not having turkey dinner, a big meal or spending time with a large family. And I am not sad about it. These things are fun but I am just as content with Kraft Dinner or Pizza, and the smell of my Pumpkin Pie candle. Okay, maybe a little real Pumpkin Pie wouldn't be so bad. I do love pumpkin. I'm not a necessarily a traditional person and I have so much to be thankful for.

I'm pretty sure that if I wrote out all the things I have to be thankful for this blog would quite possibly win a world record for longest blog, and I'd be here all day. But its true there are so many things.

Here are just a few things I am thankful for.

  • A relationship with Jesus Christ, a Father in God, guidance from the Holy Spirit. 
  • A wonderful boyfriend, friends, and family. 
  • A bed [I love my bed, no seriously].
  • Two wonderful roommates.
  • A future that is unknown to me, but fully known to God.
  • A job that I don't hate. 
  • And an opportunity to grow, change and have even more to be thankful for. 
To name a few. 

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" - 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18. 

Thanksgiving to me is a day to pray that everyday I will remember to be as thankful as I am today. 

- T. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy 1 Year!

Part 1 - The Background Story: A couple of years ago I went to Montreal. It was amazing. I decided to go the day before the trip was leaving. A group from my church was going there to run a day camp. Anyone who knows me knows I'm actually not a camp person, day or overnight, too many kids at once. However these kids were different. And I still think of them often.

While on this trip they showed us some of the songs they had been learning that summer at camp. One of them was Wonderful, Merciful, Saviour most recognizably by Selah, this was the Anthony Evans version. I will never forget hearing these young kids sing this song with a passion that far surpassed their ages.

Here are a couple pictures of a few of the kids.

Part 2 - The Anniversary Part: It has been over a year since I have picked up the guitar or sang*. Although I'll be honest I didn't do much singing before that either. But I have promised Joel that if he made me my own Gadget* I would play him a song. So for Joel and my one year anniversary he got me a Fossil watch, I will sing a song.

So this is the song from the above story, its no Anthony Evans or Selah but it will have to do.

- T.

*A couple of notes, I am not a singer so I apologies. And I have not played in a year my fingers were hurting and my hands were shaking [I get very nervous even when its just me, I'm actually still shaky].

*Joel made me the gadget that is at the top of my blog, that has the quotes and photos in it. He made it MONTHS ago. I am bad with my follow through.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Nothing like Cake Boss.

Its been two weeks. I'm almost all settled in. I have a dresser that's green [yes I painted it], a bed frame that puts my bed well above the average height of a bed, and I have a job. Well actually I have two. That's right. I work in the Bakery at Zehrs. In my first three days I have turned cupcakes into animals, iced so many cakes my hand hurts. But it's not what I want to be doing, I am enjoying decorating, and I have found that all though I'm far from being the Cake Boss, I have a knack for it. However I have found that I hate doing almost everything else, making donuts, stocking shelves, slicing bread etc. I haven't had to do much of it but I hated what I did. I feel like a snob. But I do.

I start my second job on Wednesday, Shoppers Drug Mart. I do not know what to expect yet but I am hoping to like it. I have been told it is a great place to work, many positive reviews. I hope to be another one. 

I am not sure what life will be like having two jobs that require so much standing and energy, but I am looking forward to finding out, for however long it lasts. 

Also today was one of those days I could tell someone was praying for me. It was just one of those days. So Thanks. They were answered. And I am grateful. 

It can be very hard working jobs, not having a career. Waiting, praying and trying to take it step by step. I sometimes feel like time is moving but I'm not. And so for the prayers to the God that get me through each day. I am thankful.

For my birthday please.

- T. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Culture Shock...

I am all moved into Kitchener, its been just under a week and I am feeling something I can only describe as Culture Shock. Okay, so maybe the way I'm feeling is not as intense as Culture Shock but it feels pretty similar. I am living down the road from Emmanuel Bible College [which if your new to my blog is where I went to college] and sometimes I feel like I can't leave my place without running into someone I know. Which can be good and bad.

I have a great living situation. I have great room mates, kindred spirits for sure. From our tea drinking habits to our love of Gilmore Girls. But getting used to being back here is going to take some adjusting. I know I'm in the right place for now, but I am still figuring out how that looks.

Now just to finish unpacking. And make it feel more like home.

- T. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Miami - Tropical Storm Addition

Vacation is defined as 'An extended period of recreation, esp. one spent away from home or in travelling'.
I just returned from Miami. And if you watch the weather channel you may know that Hurricane Isaac hit southern Florida on Sunday. Lets just say this was a different type of vacation. Although I do not have much experience in vacationing from what I hear this is not the way it generally goes. But as my friend Joanna put it, 'It was majestic'.

We had one day of beautiful sunny weather where we lied on the beach, got some sun and then went to South Beach to check out the scene. Miami is a party city in every way. People don't sleep. And the party doesn't end until 4 or 5 in the morning. And so I'm now rockin' a new sleep schedule.

We enjoyed the sun [what little we got of it], the clubs, and even being remembered by a few as the 'Christian Girls'. We found quickly Isaac would not ruin our trip. But make it a whole new adventure. We enjoyed swimming in the massive waves it created. Getting soaked travelling from place to place, feeling the salty rain. Driving scooters, riding bikes and taking in all that Miami had to offer us.

It was a trip to be remembered. And I have stories to tell my grandchildren. God is good.

- T.

The view from our hotel, Newport Beachside

The Clevelander

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy August.

Well once again it has been an inexcusable few months. I have felt as though I had little to say, and little energy to put into saying it. But as my last day at Elmwood approaches I thought I would share a bit about my life as of late.

I have quit my job, am moving back to Kitchener and have very little clue what I will be doing. I do have some hopes but I will wait until they are more clear to share them with the inter-web. As my time in Toronto comes to an end. At least for now I want to reflect on the things I will miss.

While I did not for the most part enjoy my job I enjoyed what I learned from it. I also enjoy working downtown. Everything is right outside the door. Whether it be leaving work to the sound of Matthew Good or The Black Keys, or listening to Hollerado play on my lunch break. I will miss the fact that there is always something happening.

My favourite coffee place [Sliced]. I have never had such great coffee. And I have had a lot of coffee. And they know my order (Perhaps I go there too much?).

I will miss being two buses away from my wonderful boyfriend. I will soon be three.

And in general I will miss the hustle and bustle of the city, the friends I've made, and all the interesting things that Toronto has to offer.

I am excited for my new adventure, even though it is to a familiar place. I am returning with a different outlook, and some new ideas about my life. And maybe someday I will return to this city.

A photo from my best friends bachelorette party. Yes we are at Snakes and Lattes
- T.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Man, Lion, & Scorpion.

Well folks its been an inexcusable few months since my last post and to my two maybe three readers my deepest apologies. I have felt as though I had very little to write about, and have been much too exhausted to try. I promise to try and do better.

I have decided to get into shape [at least a little]. My reasons for this are simple. Number 1. I've been feeling very tired all the time. Number 2. I've been feeling very self concious lately. Number 3. Its the healthy thing to do. So its time to get those endorphins flowing.

I'm not going to be going crazy with it or anything, just a little bit more roller blading. A lot more stretching. And maybe a bit of weight lifting [light people,very light]. No I will not becoming as fit as Jillian Michaels or Catwoman. I don't have that kind of motivation.

Also. My favourite book is Fifth Business by Robertson Davies. The second book in the trilogy is The Manticore. It is an account of  David Staunton a lawyer conversations with a Jungian psychoanalyst in Zurich. Leaving off from the end of the first book, with Boy Staunton's [David's father] death. A very interesting book. Especially since I studied counselling. I look forward to finishing and reading the third.

A Manticore
I will leave you with this. Another one of my favourite books, possibly ruined by a movie. Yes. I will probably see it.

- T.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dear World,

A letter from me.

Dear World, 

There is so much wrong with you. I wish I could fix it all. Unfortunately, I can't. I will begin with healing myself, and pray that others do too. I will stand up for injustice. And ask forgiveness when I make mistakes. Which I will most certainly make. World, this is my promise to you. 


I'm sure most of you by now have seen or heard of the video that has gone viral named Kony 2012. Well if you haven't watched it yet. Please do [here]. Invisible Children is a movement/non-profit organization that is almost a decade old. Raising awareness about child soldiers in Africa. And although I am happy to see the great awareness this is raising, I hope that it does not go out as quick as it came in. This has been going on for years. This and other painful and awful acts. Things in North America we enjoy clothing, jewellery, and we can't live without may be continuing and contributing to these issues.

So take a minute, take a look around you. At what you do daily. Is that diamond ring more important than the war it fuelled in Africa. Are those new jeans more important than the child that was enslaved to make them. I don't believe we can be perfect in this but its taking steps individually, saying I will live my life as an example that can begin to make a change.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank our of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from the other person's eye" - Matthew 7:5 (TNIV)
"Similarly, encourage the young men and women to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us" - Titus 2: 6- 8 (NIV)
There are so many things we can do as individuals to begin to make a change. Research. Research. Research People.* It doesn't mean you have to go and boycott everything. Its okay to take baby steps and see what small areas you can make a change in your own life. This is not my first blog like this. And it won't be my last. I am constantly learning, growing and reminding myself of the need for change.

Gabriella will be 4 years old this month. My prayers are still with her and her mom who I met in the maternity ward of  a hospital in Guatemala.
- T.

*Don't just watch a video and make a decision. Do your research. Read what others have to say. And make an opinion of your own. Not of another. Here's another perspective [link].

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy 'Love' Day!

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away" - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Happy Valentines Day Folks. To be honest I'm not a big fan of Valentines day. Mostly because I'm not a big fan of consumerism. I love being told I'm wonderful, that I'm loved, and getting flowers and chocolate. However on Valentines day, the flowers and chocolate can be left behind. Wait till the day after and get them half off! So enjoy your loved ones everyday. Make an effort to surprise them. Bring chocolate and flowers but don't get caught up in consumer nature of a day. 

Joel sent me this. I. Love. It. So. Cute.

This weekend I enjoyed time with my boyfriend [He's seriously amazing].  

Orillia Winter Carnival

Finally to Whitney. A sad ending to a women with a beautiful voice. 

- T.